....So go my recent riding adventures...
I am very grateful for the weather and the time off where I have been able to get out and ride more this summer. I've even talked the Mr. into riding more with me. This has been fun! I really enjoy alone time, out on a run or ride...just me and the elements I can see how far I can push myself, or not worrying about easing up a bit and just enjoying the solitude. However, there is a whole other level of enjoyment when you have good friends, or family, or both to share the experience with.
It's probably been about 3 weeks ago now that the Mr. and the kiddos and I went out on a family ride...Usually we have the kids ride and we run behind them along an 8 mile out and back trail, but this time we all went along for the ride. Most of the way is free of traffic, but when we were almost at a complete stop my little guy edged out a little too far for my comfort level and I tried to reach out toward him...I was already clipped out of one pedal, but ended up falling the other way...this of course led to him freaking out because I "CRASHED" in front of him, but really it was just like tiiiiiiiiimmmmmbeeerrrrr.... BUT I did kinda do something henky to my wrist when I fell, and it's not quite been the same since. hmph! Being we were almost home I sucked it up, it was only two blocks, I could manage that (wink)..
The SPLAT happened on a nice ride on my own. I only had time for a shorter ride so I made it hilly to get the heart rate up! Anyway, on my way out a bird found me as a reasonable target and yep.....all down the arm !!! Niiiice...Nice shot considering I was going about 17 mph at the time. So I did like anyone else would do and wipe it off and carry on... can't let a silly bird mess with my attitude..Sorry no pic on that one though, it was quite nasty!
The ALMOST SPLAT happened about a week and a half ago...I went out with some friends super early on a Sunday morning for a ride. This was probably my fastest and longest ride of the summer....yeah, I've been riding, but I'm not too good about pushing myself past comfort zones...anyway, great ride with some really great peeps, but being a longer ride I had to portion out my carbs and keep my blood sugar up enough to not bonk! Well...I was almost completely successful until we were riding along and I missed a turn. If it weren't for the person I was riding with yelling out "car back"....well it is probably just a really good thing they did. Turning around and getting on the right rode led me to run off the edge of the shoulder. I was able to keep it upright (yay!! for improved bike handling skills) ...and Emily immediately asked "Do you need sugar?" ....good call!! I loaded up and we carried on...
And lastly, the ZING...yesterday I went out for a 20+ ride with Becky and Mark (more awesome family) and maybe at the 2 mile point I feel these sharp sticking pains in my back!!! What the heck!! I stop quickly and yell out "I think I have a bee in my jersey!!!" I ride up to where they are and strip of my shirt (thank u sports bras for covering the necessities) with my arms flailing around and shaking out my jersey....I'm sure I looked ridiculous, and how did it get down in there anyway?? ..I have been known to blow up like a big red puffy mess from bee stings. I never saw what actually came out but we carried on to finish our ride....I wasn't gonna let a stupid bee rob my ride, plus Mark is a police officer, I figured he's been trained in life saving skills if needed (smile). It didn't bother me too much on the ride, later on after showering and what not I was aware of the stings but nothing unbearable...but this morning I wake up with these babies...
Notice the two giant red welts on my back....yeah...it hurts a whole heck of a lot more today than it did yesterday....STUPID BEE!!!!
So...is there a lesson to be learned in all of this? Not sure....but I plan to carry on regardless...