Sunday, December 5, 2010

Not Always A Roller Coaster of Love

Trying to run with diabetes can be tricky sometimes. It's not good for me to start out on a run if I'm below say ~140. I end up crashing mid to late run and have to take in some fuel (usual Jelly Belly Sports Beans) and wait to recover. Then I can continue on. I really have come to learn that somewhere between 140-160 is my sweet spot. Much higher, I feel sluggish like I'm running through mud the first part of a run and much lower I start seeing halos mid run. I ALWAYS check my blood before a run!  Mui Importanto!!!

This weekend (for some unknown reason) my bg (blood glucose) levels have been a bit of a roller coaster ride. I ranged between 342 (yesterday- too high for running. boo!) to 105 (this afternoon-near perfect). This does not always make for a comfortable ride.
It leaves me feeling a bit tired and well....honestly I really have to work hard at not being a pooper!

I had been planning for a few weeks to run the Christmas in the Park 5k. We got our first "real" snow this weekend. You know, the winter wonderland type of snow that's just perfect for taking pictures, but not so much fun to drive or run in because it's so wet that everything just freezes over. So I decided to go ahead and bear the elements and go ahead and run. My blood was close to normal range, and maybe the run would help get it down, and really I could use a little fun!  The whole family was going to go with, but it was pretty cold and my kiddos are not fans of cold weather. I can't say I blame them. I'm pretty sure I want to retire in some tropical area selling umbrellas on the beach.

So I snuggled up in my winter gear and got my butt out there to run! I'm not sure of my time because I was too busy trying not to fall on my behind at the finish line I didn't think to stop my watch right away. But I know I finished in 27:and some change. Which earned me 1st place for my age group!! woohhooo!! Not  too shabby, especially with ice and snow covered roads.