Monday, December 19, 2011

Pay It Forward...

This last week has been one of the more challenging weeks that I can remember having in a long time... Honestly, I have found myself quite every since of the word. I am a determined soul and will not give in or give up! That Greek/Chalos family stubbornness is good for something....sometimes (smile). However,  I could use a break to catch my breath...

 *Among other youngest (Gus- my 9mo old lab) I believe has hit the terrible twos chewing  everything within reach including my new boots, an iron, extension cord, phone charger (still plugged in-ha!) and is no longer satisfied with only destroying his chew toys like Mr. Sock Monkey

*Last week was the last week before a two-week break for the Holidays for school. I'm sure you know from your own experiences how fun that can be...

*Sometimes the holidays bring out the best in people and sometimes they bring out the worst in people. I have seen and experienced both extremes of that statement in the past week. I wish I could say that I reacted appropriately in each situation. Although, that has not always been the case... I digress... what's done is done, and with forgiveness, compassion, and a little Christmas spirit moving forward I will try to pay good things forward.  Even when one is on the receiving end of  "a bunch of crap"...they can choose to look for the positive, and most of the time there is some positive to be found. And when there isn't anything right then...look to the is what you make it.

*Friday night we were doing our regular thing and shopping for groceries...always a treat with the whole family in tow (yes, sarcasm) and I had really just tuned out at the register and decided to do what anyone else would do, of course...and scroll through facebook. When it was time to go, I stuck my phone in my pocket and we headed out to the car. When we got home, NO PHONE!! Somewhere between the checkout line and my car my phone fell out of my pocket. So my wee-one and I head back to the store to search the parking lot, store and check with customer service to see if anyone returned it... The Mr. (who wasn't too amused, or pleased with me) went to a game at a local high school with Syd.

No phone in the lot. No phone on the floor. No phone at customer service.

I immediately headed to the Sprint store to report it lost or stolen and see what my options were. They were very nice, but I am not due for an upgrade til September and since I didn't want to pay retail I sadly went back home.

I get home and the Mr. had called and said someone turned in my phone to customer service!!! Truly a Christmas Miracle!! I was sooooo shocked that 1. it wasn't run over and ruined in the parking lot, and 2. that someone turned it in to customer service! It is too easy to just walk by and not do anything, or take something for your own, especially right before Christmas!  So off we went (me and Zach-Zach) back to the store (for the third time now) and got my phone back!The next day I was able to call Sprint and they activated it again with no extra charges, and I was one happy girl!  So for this, YES I will try and pay some good deeds forward this Christmas!! ....and beyond

*The picture above was taken (with my blackberry-thank you Wal*Mart Angel!) at Grace Assembly of God in New Whiteland Indiana (near Indianapolis). We went to their Sunday evening production of The Singing Christmas Tree Spectacular. It was terrific!!! My kids were on the edge of their seats the whole time, and asking if we could go again even before it was over....a great way to end the weekend.

~ I do hope for a less eventful week this week!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Running was my "only" option today...

 Today I set out with my not so "wee one" on a mission to swim. Yes, it is the middle of Indiana. However, if I'm ever going to put into reality my goal of completing a triathlon anytime in the near future I have to get back in the water.
We weren't quite this festive today. This was last weekend before a local "Jingle Bell" 5k. We both came home with some hardware...I think it was the socks! (*wink)

I was very fortunate to have received a stipend check this year. Really nice this time of year...feels like a Christmas bonus. I went to a local "Do it yourself" kind of store yesterday in hopes to plan a new bathroom with my "bonus". I found some nice stuff, and have a plan. However, I believe it's going to take quite a bit more than what I have to make my plan come to fruition. Since I will have to dip into savings to complete my project anyway, I might as well use part of my new found $$ for some fun, right?

I spent part of today looking up membership costs to local gyms. Yes! not a typical move for me...I am getting a jump start on the "new year" goals....or if you want to look at it in a "negative" light, I am still working on 2011 goals?? What can I say? I am a work in progress!!! (SMILE)

I narrowed it down to 2 places. One has a pool, the other doesn't. hmmmm.... Let's go swimming! So we gathered all our gear and headed out. When we got there, this very nice kid...(yes, I am old! Ha!) told me that we couldn't stay and play today, but had to come back tomorrow during regular business hours. What the heck? Boo! I was more than a little disappointed. Ever get all geared up and excited about something...and then not be able to ...well, you get the idea... Disappointment!

So, this left me alone for my exercise session today. The weather was a bit cold, but nice and sunny. Since my bike currently has a flat tire (different story for a different day..) my only other options were be a slacker or go for a run. Sydney opted for slacker...momma went for a run!

This is not a pic of me...found it via google images, but I have these shoes and love them!
I got in a very nice 7 miler in just under an hour!!! Felt great!! It has been a while since I've been out for that long of a run...just me, my music, and the pavement = good day!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Holidays....caution looooong post ahead!

I love holidays!! Yes, one of the reasons I like them is that usually I don't have to work on holidays! One of the perks of being a teacher. I look forward to Valentine's Day (great chocolate!), Presidents' Day (great sales!), Easter (salvation!), Memorial Day (Indy 500 and family picnics), July 4th (fireworks!), Labor Day (parade/family picnic), Columbus Day (covered bridge festival), Veterans' Day (Pride in being a WWII vet's daughter...YES my dad had me late in life!~go dad!) and of course there are others that aren't celebrated as much..Flag Day, Arbor Day...and the reasons I listed are not the only reasons I enjoy the ones that I did list.

But there are two holidays that seem to be "the mother" of all holidays: Thanksgiving and Christmas...and there is something about these two holidays that tend to stir a bit of emotion for me. I probably don't spend nearly the appropriate amount of time that one should reflecting. Personal reflection can be a great tool in learning and growing. However, I find myself soooooooo extremely busy and "stressed to the max" a little more often than I would like...which then leads to a flood of emotions when things slow down this time of year.

I am a self proclaimed "Daddy's Girl", but this time of year really makes me miss my mom! Three years ago, she passed away the Tuesday before Thanksgiving....I have always assumed God new what a terrific cook she was and new she would enjoy being healthy again for the celebration in heaven. The Lord, family, and cooking along with gardening were just some of her this time of year was one of the special seasons that she shined. As a matter of fact I think she would start baking shortly before Thanksgiving and not stop 'til Christmas. We had to make sure EVERYONE got their box of baklava for the holidays. :)

I learned what true selflessness was from my mom. She always put others first. She was the first to serve and the last one cleaning up... her mom died from cancer when she was 9 years old and she continued to take care of her dad and brothers, and the household jobs that needed taken care of, and continued taking care of others until she was too ill and needed others to take care of her. She was beautiful, and strong a true reflection of the God's goodness. Man, I fall so short compared to my mom....I can tend to be a little selfish. well...maybe more than a little.. sigh* So the rest of this post will be all about you~

 My parents were married in Greece. I really think they both look pretty good! ...thanks for the good genes :)
 My dad was my mom's whole's society would frown on that...but she wouldn't have had it any other way.

Just some of my Big Fat Greek family. This is my aunt's front the evening time the family would gather around under the grape vines and the stars and visit until the early hours...occasionally even til the roosters and donkeys started to stir in the morning. We Greeks now how to have a good time!
see! good times! I love, love, love this pic of my mom! She is with her brother and her best friends...

My mom also loved the beach...if we couldn't vacation in Greece we were heading to the beach...I definitely get this from her too!

 She loved to take pictures....even when nobody was looking...this was the year dad got her a new camera and I finally stopped paying attention to all the was a strobe flash at that! ha! I was so irritated...had I only known then what I know now, I would have embraced it instead of thought I was beyond it. Dumb teenage years...

When mom wasn't able to prepare the lamb, pastichio, salad, turkey, etc. etc. etc family chipped in and made sure there was plenty for everyone! Oh yeah! We know how to eat too!!!

                                      Christmas 2005

This was my split of the cookies that we made. I went to my cousin's (previous pic with food) house and took my mom and Sydney and made all of the traditional cookies that we used to make together...and video taped of course....such a great time!

 Christmas 2007, Mom's last Christmas with my house.  She was unusually clear this night, and talkative and giggly... (frontal lobe dementia sucks!) But I was so grateful for every minute!!!!

Some days I wish I could rewind...but really and truly when I think about it...through it all I am so thankful for every part of the last 30...ISH * years because good and bad...I would not be who I am today without those experiences.  And hopefully all of my experiences will make me a better person, wife, parent and friend enjoying every minute along the way.  ....or at least learn to appreciate them in retrospect.