Sunday, December 11, 2011

Running was my "only" option today...

 Today I set out with my not so "wee one" on a mission to swim. Yes, it is the middle of Indiana. However, if I'm ever going to put into reality my goal of completing a triathlon anytime in the near future I have to get back in the water.
We weren't quite this festive today. This was last weekend before a local "Jingle Bell" 5k. We both came home with some hardware...I think it was the socks! (*wink)

I was very fortunate to have received a stipend check this year. Really nice this time of year...feels like a Christmas bonus. I went to a local "Do it yourself" kind of store yesterday in hopes to plan a new bathroom with my "bonus". I found some nice stuff, and have a plan. However, I believe it's going to take quite a bit more than what I have to make my plan come to fruition. Since I will have to dip into savings to complete my project anyway, I might as well use part of my new found $$ for some fun, right?

I spent part of today looking up membership costs to local gyms. Yes! not a typical move for me...I am getting a jump start on the "new year" goals....or if you want to look at it in a "negative" light, I am still working on 2011 goals?? What can I say? I am a work in progress!!! (SMILE)

I narrowed it down to 2 places. One has a pool, the other doesn't. hmmmm.... Let's go swimming! So we gathered all our gear and headed out. When we got there, this very nice kid...(yes, I am old! Ha!) told me that we couldn't stay and play today, but had to come back tomorrow during regular business hours. What the heck? Boo! I was more than a little disappointed. Ever get all geared up and excited about something...and then not be able to ...well, you get the idea... Disappointment!

So, this left me alone for my exercise session today. The weather was a bit cold, but nice and sunny. Since my bike currently has a flat tire (different story for a different day..) my only other options were be a slacker or go for a run. Sydney opted for slacker...momma went for a run!

This is not a pic of me...found it via google images, but I have these shoes and love them!
I got in a very nice 7 miler in just under an hour!!! Felt great!! It has been a while since I've been out for that long of a run...just me, my music, and the pavement = good day!


  1. Well done on the membership and nice pace for the 7! going to be a great and fast 2012!

  2. Thanks! I agree...great things to come!!
