Sunday, January 30, 2011

Good Friends Can Make for a Good Run!

The weather here in the Midwest has been a little crummy lately! I guess I should be grateful that we haven't had too many single digit days, but I'm really not a cold weather girl. Maybe it's the Greek blood in me longing for a warmer climate...let's conduct an experiment..who wants to send me somewhere warm and test the affects of climate on my overall attitude. Heck, let's make it even better...I'll train in the warmer climate and see what difference it makes on my half marathon time in May! Any takers.......just leave a comment and I'll message you my info so you can buy my plane ticket. (*wink)

Until I have a sponsor for my "science experiment" I'll keep meeting our local roadrunners on Saturdays for my long runs. This year the Mr. is joining in on the fun. Yesterday when the alarm went off at 7AM I rolled over and said "Ya wanna sleep a little longer and run later with me instead of going to meet the group?" and he was already dressed...hmmph! (I'm not a morning girl either) So I drug my butt outa bed and got my layers on and we headed out to meet the group.

Group runs are good for social reasons. I like meeting new people! :) Finding new friends with similar interests and talking through a longer run can make it seem a lot shorter. I don't talk too much (gotta breathe)but if your a talker, I'll be happy to listen. Also, group runs can be least it is for me. (maybe I'm a little competitive) There's always someone in front to catch, and someone behind to stay in front of. 

These are a couple pics from last year:

Courtney and I are blurry cause we are so fast!!!

Hope we get to warmer days like this soon!!

Until then, either bundle up and find a buddy. Or make the "deathmill" your new bff. But either way...... happy running!!

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