Saturday, March 5, 2011

It May Seem Corny, But It's True..

This week has been the week from...well, as I would say as a kid "H- E - double hockey sticks"! It's been a difficult couple of weeks really. A lot going through my head, work stuff, training stuff, life know we all get there from time to time. 

As I ponder the week's goings on and reflect.. a few things stick out to me... aside from the crappiness.., there were a couple of random people that paid me compliments. Just out of the blue and unexpected. And as corny as it seems these people helped me have a little brighter day just because they said something nice. They didn't have to. It doesn't happen very often anymore in our society...everyone is so self consumed, or just too busy to notice what's going on around them. I'm guilty of that...too much time on facebook, checking my email on my blackberry, etc. or just not seeing past my own nose to notice anybody else.

It is truly amazing how much a compliment can stick and help a girl out.  I used to have a difficult time accepting compliments. When I was much younger a dear friend from way back in the day (high school-ish maybe college) told me that it was actually rude to not accept a compliment. He said that it was something he saw in me whether I saw it in myself or not and if nothing else just say thank you. hmmmm...

So you may not be as talented as Mr. Bruno Mars, or even care for his music. But if we took the time to say something nice to those people we care about (probably most important but most neglected), or coworkers, or passerbyes at the store we just might make someone else's day a little brighter. And maybe in turn even feel a little better too.

Just a thought.

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