Wednesday, March 23, 2011

It's Good to Take a Rest Day!!

Friday, This last weekend was probably one of the best weekends I have had in quite a long while! It was my baby boy's eighth birthday!!! Woohoo Little-man! We took off a little early from work to head out of town with the kiddos plus one. (my day at work that day was super crazy!!! Mucho Stresso!!) We went to an Incredible Pizza Company to eat. This was pretty good food/fun! Then we went to see the Pacers play the Bulls at Conseco.

This was the view from our seats. They weren't as bad as it looks from the picture.

Max (our plus one), and my Zach-Zach

He had just said that this was the BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!!! That is exactly what a mom wants to hear! Of course he was ready to leave at half time, until things got interesting at the end. The game went into OT and the Pacers ended up winning. We were surrounded by Bulls fans so that made it extra fun when we won! Funniest thing about the 8 year old looks at me and says "All this Bud Light is making my stomach hurt." Let me first say that he meant the SMELL of the beer from the people around us made his stomach feel yucky! But that's my Zach, always putting a smile on my face!!
 (one birthday down and one to go)

Saturday the boys played the Wii all morning while the Mr. and I went out for our long run. I had a GREAT run!!! even on about 6 hours of sleep I ran 11 miles in 1:37 and some change!! Soooo happy about that time, because I'm training for the Indy Mini in May, and that course is mainly flat. Saturday's run had three sets of some decent size hills in it. And even if my last two miles suck I should still beat my time from last year. For now my realistic goal is 1:55 and my super-awesome goal would be 1:52...we'll see what I can do!! Still lot's of time to train~ oh! by the way....LOVE the Saucony Kinvara!! Nice and lite!!

Sunday was supposed to be an easy 2mile run, but I got out on my bike for the first time this season!!!!! The weather was just about perfect,and it felt soooooooooo good to ride! I'm a little embarrassed to say that it had been since September! Ugh!! 20 miles felt great!! But I could tell Monday that I hadn't been in the saddle for a while, if ya know what I mean ; )

Monday, I went to swimming. My legs felt like lead! I used the buoy/leg floatie thing and tried to work more on the upper body form and what not.  I did manage to tough it out for an hour, but had to take some Advil before bed. The good thing is my blood sugar was 118 before my swim and 117 after!! woohooo maybe I'm figuring the whole carb ratio needs for swimming thing out! That would definitely help in keeping with it!

Tuesday,  Hills...hills...What the Hill !!  5.6+ miles of running mostly hills. Looking at my Garmin results from this run was fun.... LOT'S of streeeeecccchhhhiiiinnnngggg before bed... It helped.

Wednesday, REST!!!   I was going to go to swim...I had prepared mentally to go swim...even shaved the legs to go swim (it isn't quite shorts season yet ~wink*) But I ended up with an unexpected break in the afternoon and kinda just carried that relaxed attitude through the rest of the day!! I went to Zachary's first baseball practice- fell asleep in the car! ha! - and then we took both kiddos to the park. Then came home and had home made smoothies! Yummy! Sometimes it's nice to just take some time to rest. My legs still feel jello-ish from the past few days anyway, and we kinda needed the "down" family time too (smile).  So back to the grind tomorrow!!!

 ...and so goes the life of kpm!!! In case you were wondering...if well.



  1. Nice kicks!! Looks like a great time at the ball game.

  2. It was a good time! I do really like the new kicks!!! They were the first pair I saw recommended for mid-forefoot strikers. So I thought I would go back to Saucony. Soooo glad I did!
