Monday, December 19, 2011

Pay It Forward...

This last week has been one of the more challenging weeks that I can remember having in a long time... Honestly, I have found myself quite every since of the word. I am a determined soul and will not give in or give up! That Greek/Chalos family stubbornness is good for something....sometimes (smile). However,  I could use a break to catch my breath...

 *Among other youngest (Gus- my 9mo old lab) I believe has hit the terrible twos chewing  everything within reach including my new boots, an iron, extension cord, phone charger (still plugged in-ha!) and is no longer satisfied with only destroying his chew toys like Mr. Sock Monkey

*Last week was the last week before a two-week break for the Holidays for school. I'm sure you know from your own experiences how fun that can be...

*Sometimes the holidays bring out the best in people and sometimes they bring out the worst in people. I have seen and experienced both extremes of that statement in the past week. I wish I could say that I reacted appropriately in each situation. Although, that has not always been the case... I digress... what's done is done, and with forgiveness, compassion, and a little Christmas spirit moving forward I will try to pay good things forward.  Even when one is on the receiving end of  "a bunch of crap"...they can choose to look for the positive, and most of the time there is some positive to be found. And when there isn't anything right then...look to the is what you make it.

*Friday night we were doing our regular thing and shopping for groceries...always a treat with the whole family in tow (yes, sarcasm) and I had really just tuned out at the register and decided to do what anyone else would do, of course...and scroll through facebook. When it was time to go, I stuck my phone in my pocket and we headed out to the car. When we got home, NO PHONE!! Somewhere between the checkout line and my car my phone fell out of my pocket. So my wee-one and I head back to the store to search the parking lot, store and check with customer service to see if anyone returned it... The Mr. (who wasn't too amused, or pleased with me) went to a game at a local high school with Syd.

No phone in the lot. No phone on the floor. No phone at customer service.

I immediately headed to the Sprint store to report it lost or stolen and see what my options were. They were very nice, but I am not due for an upgrade til September and since I didn't want to pay retail I sadly went back home.

I get home and the Mr. had called and said someone turned in my phone to customer service!!! Truly a Christmas Miracle!! I was sooooo shocked that 1. it wasn't run over and ruined in the parking lot, and 2. that someone turned it in to customer service! It is too easy to just walk by and not do anything, or take something for your own, especially right before Christmas!  So off we went (me and Zach-Zach) back to the store (for the third time now) and got my phone back!The next day I was able to call Sprint and they activated it again with no extra charges, and I was one happy girl!  So for this, YES I will try and pay some good deeds forward this Christmas!! ....and beyond

*The picture above was taken (with my blackberry-thank you Wal*Mart Angel!) at Grace Assembly of God in New Whiteland Indiana (near Indianapolis). We went to their Sunday evening production of The Singing Christmas Tree Spectacular. It was terrific!!! My kids were on the edge of their seats the whole time, and asking if we could go again even before it was over....a great way to end the weekend.

~ I do hope for a less eventful week this week!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Running was my "only" option today...

 Today I set out with my not so "wee one" on a mission to swim. Yes, it is the middle of Indiana. However, if I'm ever going to put into reality my goal of completing a triathlon anytime in the near future I have to get back in the water.
We weren't quite this festive today. This was last weekend before a local "Jingle Bell" 5k. We both came home with some hardware...I think it was the socks! (*wink)

I was very fortunate to have received a stipend check this year. Really nice this time of year...feels like a Christmas bonus. I went to a local "Do it yourself" kind of store yesterday in hopes to plan a new bathroom with my "bonus". I found some nice stuff, and have a plan. However, I believe it's going to take quite a bit more than what I have to make my plan come to fruition. Since I will have to dip into savings to complete my project anyway, I might as well use part of my new found $$ for some fun, right?

I spent part of today looking up membership costs to local gyms. Yes! not a typical move for me...I am getting a jump start on the "new year" goals....or if you want to look at it in a "negative" light, I am still working on 2011 goals?? What can I say? I am a work in progress!!! (SMILE)

I narrowed it down to 2 places. One has a pool, the other doesn't. hmmmm.... Let's go swimming! So we gathered all our gear and headed out. When we got there, this very nice kid...(yes, I am old! Ha!) told me that we couldn't stay and play today, but had to come back tomorrow during regular business hours. What the heck? Boo! I was more than a little disappointed. Ever get all geared up and excited about something...and then not be able to ...well, you get the idea... Disappointment!

So, this left me alone for my exercise session today. The weather was a bit cold, but nice and sunny. Since my bike currently has a flat tire (different story for a different day..) my only other options were be a slacker or go for a run. Sydney opted for slacker...momma went for a run!

This is not a pic of me...found it via google images, but I have these shoes and love them!
I got in a very nice 7 miler in just under an hour!!! Felt great!! It has been a while since I've been out for that long of a run...just me, my music, and the pavement = good day!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Holidays....caution looooong post ahead!

I love holidays!! Yes, one of the reasons I like them is that usually I don't have to work on holidays! One of the perks of being a teacher. I look forward to Valentine's Day (great chocolate!), Presidents' Day (great sales!), Easter (salvation!), Memorial Day (Indy 500 and family picnics), July 4th (fireworks!), Labor Day (parade/family picnic), Columbus Day (covered bridge festival), Veterans' Day (Pride in being a WWII vet's daughter...YES my dad had me late in life!~go dad!) and of course there are others that aren't celebrated as much..Flag Day, Arbor Day...and the reasons I listed are not the only reasons I enjoy the ones that I did list.

But there are two holidays that seem to be "the mother" of all holidays: Thanksgiving and Christmas...and there is something about these two holidays that tend to stir a bit of emotion for me. I probably don't spend nearly the appropriate amount of time that one should reflecting. Personal reflection can be a great tool in learning and growing. However, I find myself soooooooo extremely busy and "stressed to the max" a little more often than I would like...which then leads to a flood of emotions when things slow down this time of year.

I am a self proclaimed "Daddy's Girl", but this time of year really makes me miss my mom! Three years ago, she passed away the Tuesday before Thanksgiving....I have always assumed God new what a terrific cook she was and new she would enjoy being healthy again for the celebration in heaven. The Lord, family, and cooking along with gardening were just some of her this time of year was one of the special seasons that she shined. As a matter of fact I think she would start baking shortly before Thanksgiving and not stop 'til Christmas. We had to make sure EVERYONE got their box of baklava for the holidays. :)

I learned what true selflessness was from my mom. She always put others first. She was the first to serve and the last one cleaning up... her mom died from cancer when she was 9 years old and she continued to take care of her dad and brothers, and the household jobs that needed taken care of, and continued taking care of others until she was too ill and needed others to take care of her. She was beautiful, and strong a true reflection of the God's goodness. Man, I fall so short compared to my mom....I can tend to be a little selfish. well...maybe more than a little.. sigh* So the rest of this post will be all about you~

 My parents were married in Greece. I really think they both look pretty good! ...thanks for the good genes :)
 My dad was my mom's whole's society would frown on that...but she wouldn't have had it any other way.

Just some of my Big Fat Greek family. This is my aunt's front the evening time the family would gather around under the grape vines and the stars and visit until the early hours...occasionally even til the roosters and donkeys started to stir in the morning. We Greeks now how to have a good time!
see! good times! I love, love, love this pic of my mom! She is with her brother and her best friends...

My mom also loved the beach...if we couldn't vacation in Greece we were heading to the beach...I definitely get this from her too!

 She loved to take pictures....even when nobody was looking...this was the year dad got her a new camera and I finally stopped paying attention to all the was a strobe flash at that! ha! I was so irritated...had I only known then what I know now, I would have embraced it instead of thought I was beyond it. Dumb teenage years...

When mom wasn't able to prepare the lamb, pastichio, salad, turkey, etc. etc. etc family chipped in and made sure there was plenty for everyone! Oh yeah! We know how to eat too!!!

                                      Christmas 2005

This was my split of the cookies that we made. I went to my cousin's (previous pic with food) house and took my mom and Sydney and made all of the traditional cookies that we used to make together...and video taped of course....such a great time!

 Christmas 2007, Mom's last Christmas with my house.  She was unusually clear this night, and talkative and giggly... (frontal lobe dementia sucks!) But I was so grateful for every minute!!!!

Some days I wish I could rewind...but really and truly when I think about it...through it all I am so thankful for every part of the last 30...ISH * years because good and bad...I would not be who I am today without those experiences.  And hopefully all of my experiences will make me a better person, wife, parent and friend enjoying every minute along the way.  ....or at least learn to appreciate them in retrospect.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

My New Running Buddy....Gus

You know those days that you just need a little motivation to get out there and run....when it's in the mid 40s and rainy...when you just don't want to settle for a treadmill, but are having a hard time lacing up the shoes to face the elements? It's been dreary and rainy hear for several days in a row. Actually, today was the first day we had dry running weather in about 4 or 5 days. Blah...makes me just wanna curl up under the covers and sleep the winter away.
Well, I have found that a running buddy that loves the rain! He doesn't mind the rain, as a matter of fact when we take him out to "do his business" and it's raining, we have to get a treat to get him to come inside. I don't mind running in the can be fun, but after a couple of days of it, and it's cold....I'm really just not feeling it. But Gus....he's all about it!
Gus is a smart boy! Today is his 8 month birthday! We have had him for 3 months. As soon as I start putting on my running gear he gets super excited!!! He loves to run, just like his momma of course (*wink)! And check out those big brown eyes....A girl can just melt with those puppy dog eyes...of course I'll take you for a run big boy!!! Who's a good boy?! 

 So....this past Saturday my boy Gus and I headed out for a short and easy run in the rain. He started out fast like I knew he would, but I figured we could take it down a notch after the first mile...nope. We kept a pretty decent clip for 4 miles and had a blast jumping through the puddles. After we were done I helped him up in the hatch and we were both completely drenched and yes...we both smelled like wet dog.

I always keep a blanket and some extra towels in the back...They came in handy this day! 

*For those of you reading this, that I would call running worries!!! Gus is still too small for the longer distances, and you know who you are...And of course great friends (*and family) are hard to come by and even those big brown eyes could never replace you! <3

~Happy running! From Kathy and Gus :)

Monday, November 14, 2011

Competition is Good for the Soul!

A little competition never hurt anyone. As a matter of fact, it feels pretty darn good! I have spent the past several many weeks watching my baby girl train and run cross country. This is her first year in middle school, and her first attempt at running. It all started when I told the coach that she was too lazy to ever want to run. He told her, and the rest has been history! She did start out slow and steady. Through much pain, sweat, a little blood (she's a little clumsy like her mother-ha!) and yes even tears she has pushed herself beyond anywhere that I thought she would go.

I am so very proud of her. It really was like at some point after the season started something clicked and man was she this the same girl that cleaned the dirt off the bases and play with the grass in tee-ball, the girl that showed up for tennis in the summer heat, and go to basketball practices just to see her friends.

In her first meet she heard one of her coaches tell her that there was a girl right on her tail, and she kicked it in to finish ahead of her....I think it was like a shot in the arm for her. Her self confidence has boomed and has transferred over in her school work and everything... Yup! That's right! My babygirl made high honor roll her first grading period of middle school. Oh yeah!

 She still has fun with her friends, but when she's running it's game on! This was at a regional meet in Michigan. She finished 37th out of 250+ out of 6th grade girls. The boys and girls started at the same time. This was the largest race she has ran in to date.

 It has been fun taking the whole family along to different meets to cheer her on! This is Zach and our newest member of our family~ Gus! He was so excited to take him with us to this invitational...Gus has been a great addition to the Miller family! Getting him was a story in itself, we were able to rescue him from our local shelter....Share the love! Adopt a pet! :)

So, in the middle of all of this cross country traveling and cheering on I was also in the middle of my volleyball season. Both of these activities were great for different reasons. However, I chose to put my own training on hold a bit in order to do them. In the last two weekends I competed in a 5k and 10k. The picture above was from the 10 k. It was tough, but my mantra that I kept repeating to myself was "no regrets-don't give up!" It was a family event. My "wee one" ran the 1 mile fun run, and the Mr., Syd and I ran the 10k. We had a good day! I finished my first 10k in 52:43 not a bad time at all! But guess who beat me by 20 seconds.....yep Sydney! I told you she was competitive (wink*) ..the Mr. beat us both cause he's fast like that.

I started out too fast, and stopped to puke twice...first time was gross (mental note, not to eat too much for breakfast even if you think you have "plenty" of time to digest)...second time just dry heaves.. it was a tough course, but felt soooooooo good to be running a race again.

I have started helping coach the off season cross country group...she thinks it's so I can spend more time with her, but it's really so I can get faster so she doesn't beat me at the next race!!! kidding...kinda' ;)
..That and the core work they do is torturous, I need to get a jump start on bikini season Spring Break isn't that far off....

~happy running!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Crash, Splat, Almost Splat, and Zing

....So go my recent riding adventures...

I am very grateful for the weather and the time off where I have been able to get out and ride more this summer. I've even talked the Mr. into riding more with me. This has been fun! I really enjoy alone time, out on a run or ride...just me and the elements I can see how far I can push myself, or not worrying about easing up a bit and just enjoying the solitude. However, there is a whole other level of enjoyment when you have good friends, or family, or both to share the experience with.

It's probably been about 3 weeks ago now that the Mr. and the kiddos and I went out on a family ride...Usually we have the kids ride and we run behind them along an 8 mile out and back trail, but this time we all went along for the ride. Most of the way is free of traffic, but when we were almost at a complete stop my little guy edged out a little too far for my comfort level and I tried to reach out toward him...I was already clipped out of one pedal, but ended up falling the other way...this of course led to him freaking out because I "CRASHED" in front of him, but really it was just like tiiiiiiiiimmmmmbeeerrrrr.... BUT I did kinda do something henky to my wrist when I fell, and it's not quite been the same since. hmph! Being we were almost home I sucked it up, it was only two blocks, I could manage that (wink)..

The SPLAT happened on a nice ride on my own. I only had time for a shorter ride so I made it hilly to get the heart rate up! Anyway, on my way out a bird found me as a reasonable target and yep.....all down the arm !!! Niiiice...Nice shot considering I was going about 17 mph at the time.  So I did like anyone else would do and wipe it off and carry on... can't let a silly bird mess with my attitude..Sorry no pic on that one though, it was quite nasty!

The ALMOST SPLAT happened about a week and a half ago...I went out with some friends super early on a Sunday morning for a ride. This was probably my fastest and longest ride of the summer....yeah, I've been riding, but I'm not too good about pushing myself past comfort zones...anyway, great ride with some really great peeps, but being a longer ride I had to portion out my carbs and keep my blood sugar up enough to not bonk! Well...I was almost completely successful until we were riding along and I missed a turn. If it weren't for the person I was riding with yelling out "car back"....well it is probably just a really good thing they did. Turning around and getting on the right rode led me to run off the edge of the shoulder. I was able to keep it upright (yay!! for improved bike handling skills) ...and Emily immediately asked "Do you need sugar?"  ....good call!! I loaded up and we carried on...

And lastly, the ZING...yesterday I went out for a 20+ ride with Becky and Mark (more awesome family) and maybe at the 2 mile point I feel these sharp sticking pains in my back!!! What the heck!! I stop quickly and yell out "I think I have a bee in my jersey!!!" I ride up to where they are and strip of my shirt (thank u sports bras for covering the necessities) with my arms flailing around and shaking out my jersey....I'm sure I looked ridiculous, and how did it get down in there anyway?? ..I have been known to blow up like a big red puffy mess from bee stings. I never saw what actually came out but we carried on to finish our ride....I wasn't gonna let a stupid bee rob my ride, plus Mark is a police officer, I figured he's been trained in life saving skills if needed (smile).  It didn't bother me too much on the ride, later on after showering and what not I was aware of the stings but nothing unbearable...but this morning I wake up with these babies...

Notice the two giant red welts on my hurts a whole heck of a lot more today than it did yesterday....STUPID BEE!!!! there a lesson to be learned in all of this? Not sure....but I plan to carry on regardless...

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Yay for Warranties and Overnight Shipping!

Sooooo....there we were having a great time at this water park that is about an hour from where we live.... We went with some family, and were having some pretty good fun! The weather was perfect a few clouds every now and then just to take the edge off. This place was very family friendly, if you pick the right spot you can almost see everywhere...a parent's dream. That and taking along some young cousins to help keep the eye on the wee ones. I was able to have fun myself ie. water slides, diving boards, etc.

 Sydney (my baby girl), Courtney, Jorden, and me
*thank you to Jorden for saving the twins
...the little white dot on my side is my pump site..
always fun to watch people's faces when you know they're wondering what's "wrong" with me..I like to behave as though nothing is, but it's days like this that make me feel so handicapped, and discouraged about everything. I really HATE feeling "broken". I try very hard to control my diabetes, and not let it control me, but sometimes stuff happens and makes things difficult to say the least. 90% of the time I almost "forget" about it (so to speak)...I don't let it "define" who I am. Not sure if that is a right attitude or not, but it is the one I have. It's just that 10% of the time it can really kick my butt.

I even got a smile out of her
(a tad blurry, my phone takes crap pictures)
Sydney has really started to learn to swim this year as well.
I'll turn my kiddos into beach vacay kids eventually!

 Mr. Fish (my zach-zach) finally put together how to swim this week and had a complete BLAST!!
Sooo fun to watch! He even went off of the diving boards. This child was terrified of the water two summers ago, and wouldn't get in past where he could touch last year. So very proud of my little man!
We had a really nice time! Reasonable drive, great price on admission and food.

     And then the Mr. comes up and says "Why does your pump have all that writing on the screen?" Hmmmm..I look down to see and my pump says "BUTTON ERROR" See, I'm a type1 diabetic, and I wear an insulin pump. It is hooked up 24/7 unless I am swimming, or running short distances...or showering and what not. Anyway, I didn't realize how "attached" (yes! pun intended) I was to this thing until it quit working. YES, I said QUIT working. 
     CRAP!!!! Well, now what? Do we stay longer, and I just go without, or do I make everyone leave because "I have diabetes". Sometimes diabetes truly SUCKS! So I call the product support number and they confirm that yes, it is broken and that they will send me one in the morning. The really good news is that it is still under warranty until this October. Whew! 
     So in the mean time, I went back to using syringes until it came. This meant I had to check my blood every  couple of hours to make sure I didn't spike up to high because I only have the fast acting short lasting type of insulin because of the pump system...that and drink lots of water. That seems to help keep the body flushing out what it needs to. I was told it would come by 10:30 the next morning (today)...
 And low and behold it DID!!! (10:16AM) Yay!! I think I could have given that UPS guy a hug! I almost thought to ask him for a pic, but then thought that would be weird so sorry no pic of the UPS dude! (*wink)
So for those of you who often wonder how all this works...first I take the vial and connect the container to draw out the insulin that I need that stays in the pump.

and there's the disc with the canule,  and needle that goes under under the skin. The needle pulls out and the canule stays under the skin to deliver the insulin.

And for anyone that knows me at all, I am a "due date" kind of girl. The very kind lady that helped me when I called customer support told me that it was very important that I send back the broken meter in 3 days, in the prepaid envelop otherwise there would be a $3000.+ charge to my account. Needless to say right after I was all hooked up I went directly to the UPS store and sent off the broken pump....(good girl, right?)

What did it in?? heat and humidity! Yep, condensation under the button caused a malfunction and the pump recognized it as the button being held the hold time and it permanently locked it up. Weird...but I'm glad it is over and I am back to being connected.
Being 200+ for more than15-18hours really kinda took it out of me. Then I bottomed out this I kinda feel like I've been on quite the roller coaster ride - not just a few water I'm just take'n it easy the rest of the day....
~maybe I'll knock out some Homework

Monday, June 27, 2011

CAUTION: Long Post Ahead...

Goals, Aims, Objectives...
I've been reading about these three things a lot the last few weeks in relation to curriculum development and analysis. I have really tried very hard to stay ahead of the game in this class, read the material (mostly) and submit all of my homework ahead of the deadline. So far I have been able to do this. With a lot of effort, and yes some whining I am down to the last assignment. I have been able to keep up with my running through this process, but my riding time and swimming time have gone to pot! Boo!
But the light seems to be getting a little closer at the end of the tunnel....
Hopefully that doesn't mean I'm going to die! Ha!

I have had several people say to me, "You sure to have a lot going on!" and I tell them that I often feel like the Chinese acrobat trying to keep all of the dishes long as I can keep a good eye on everything hopefully they won't all come crashing down. Time to give that swimming dish a spin if I ever want to complete a triathlon this season!

Honestly, there have been a couple times in the last year or so that I thought everything was going to come crashing down. Ya know what I mean? I'm sure everyone deals with these types of feelings, right?.. I'm sure. But on the other hand I don't really think I could be that person that sits and lets life happen around them, just sitting back in the recliner and watching it all take place on the TV in front of them. I'm just not wired that way! Don't get me wrong I like to watch mindless TV as much as the next girl....(Gotta Keep Up with the Kardashians~*wink) it's not a literal point. 
I already find myself asking "What will I do when I'm not taking classes at the end of the summer?"....aside from hopefully throwing a big-o party in a new house~with a pool, hopefully! (We are trying to sell our house if anyone needs a nice beautiful three bedroom bungalow) What new adventure will I set my sights on? What are some things that have suffered because of the journey of completing my Master's. Does my marriage need refreshed? Do my kiddos need more of their mom? Do I need a dog? (the answer to this Q is an obvious YES!) ....honestly the answer to all of those questions is probably a yes.......Do I see things as really stressed right now because I'm spinning too many plates, will it get better if  I slow down, or will that make me more stressed and miserable?

BALANCE is key, I suppose....finding it is a little tricky at times.

BUT Balance, to me, doesn't mean TIME. You can spend plenty of time around or with someone and never be present, or worse have a negative influence creating discord. What good is it to be with someone if there is no joy? Your ATTITUDE affects the atmosphere around you, whether you realize it or not...I've seen it happen again and work, in the classroom, in conversations with friends, in relationships. It can even make a difference between a good run and a run that sucks! ...and medically proven to improve health and recovery as well. So I guess what I'm saying is that balance comes from within (attitude) ...that peace that passes all understanding makes all the difference. So finding it and keeping it is necessary for survival. 
Believe it,embrace it, and share it!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Always Come Prepared!

Last weekend I ran a the hardest 13.1 miles EVER! I signed up to race the Parke County Half Marathon with some friends and the Mr. This race was said to be a scenic run through the bridges with a few rolling hills. Sounds good right? Well, that's what I thought. I really did not mentally prepare myself for the challenge of the run. We even dressed up (something in the back of my head I never really thought I would do), but hey this was gonna be just for fun anyway...right?
The crew! (Alicia, Josh, Sarah Me...the Mr. took the pic-he didn't dress up)
We were a bit of a hit....even had some peeps ask us to have their pic taken with us! hehe :)

It was sooooooo hot!!!! The skirt came off around mile 5 and I switched the pig tails to a high pony somewhere between mile 7 and 8..and the shirt quickly followed. No coconut bra! That would be a major chafing no no! haha!
I ended up walking "some"....mostly the uphills, but I really kinda just couldn't get my head into the run.  I'm not really sure what to compare the experience to except maybe the "Tilt a Whirl" experience I had as a teenager. ....bunny trail warning...I let this cute guy talk me into going on the Tilt A Whirl with him. He was quite a bit larger than me and so the uneven weight just kept us going around, and around, and get the idea right....yep! I puked...and needless to say there was not a kiss at the end of the night, or a second date! Ha.....I didn't puke on the run (a bit surprised, and thankful) but it was definately NOT what I had hoped for! Going in I kinda set a lazy goal of 2:15 because I had injured my calf about a week earlier on a long run, and I knew it was supposed to get hot that day (haven't had much training in the heat yet) time on my Garmin said 2:13.03! ohmyheck! Almost 20 min longer than the half that I did two weeks prior, but the two races don't compare at all! (course, preparation, temperature, etc) So I guess I shouldn't really try and compare the times.
After a few days of pondering, I have come to peace with my time. (Thanks to Kung Fu Panda 2 - kidding- we took the kiddos to see it after the race) I learned that I need to push my self through the difficulties...some old "cut and run" thoughts had to be conquered to even finish that run, but I believe I have come out on the other side of it a stronger runner.  Sometimes I guess you have to face the pain and frustration head on and let yourself get a little messy and just push through to the end...and keep the end result in mind. In this case, that was the ice cream at the General Store! (I ended up opting for a cheeseburger instead though).

Now maybe if I can apply that to the summer class that starts up next week....
hmmmm...I think I can... I think I can... *wink


Friday, May 13, 2011

Live, Laugh, Love, Run, Fun! ...Repeat

The last week has been spent recovering from the half marathon that I ran on May 7th (and preparing to ride the bike leg of an upcoming triathlon). Last Saturday I ran the Indianapolis Mini Marathon. Going into the race I had a "realistic" goal and a "super great" goal. I met my realistic goal. I'll get to that in a bit. This was the second time that I ran this particular race and my 3rd half marathon.

The area that we live in has a great Roadrunners club and a training program to prepare runners to run the half marathon. The Mr. and I signed up in November and started training in late January for this race. I met some really great friends through the training and really ended up learning a bit about myself in the process too. I am really looking forward to continue running with my new sweat buddies. I've already signed up for another half in two weeks...a little crazy, but why stop now! :) Thanks to my running buddy for talking me into it...

The Mr. and I went over the night before the race and walked around downtown, grabbed some good food and relaxed a bit without the kiddos. Niiiiice!! It was even better to be able to sleep until 6:00 instead of getting up super early and driving over the morning of the race. We were within walking distance of the start line. Which was also very niiice. I was a good girl and didn't over eat the night before, and packed my prerace meal of a half of a bagel and some OJ. My blood sugar was normal and I didn't forget anything! (yeeehaw) But my training buddy, who was in the same corral as me, was running late and we never found each other until after the race! Boo! The Mr. and I already had a bit of a competitive thing going on and we agreed to start together, but not worry about running with each other...but I was a little bummed about not getting to start the race with Sarah.

It ended up being a good thing that I didn't bet anything too costly with the Mr. because he ended up beating my by 3 minutes! Darn him!!!

I ran a decent race...I could have pushed myself a little harder at a few different points. I finished in 1:55:29! This is a new PR for me and almost exactly 2 minutes off my time from last year!!
mile 1 - 8:56 lots of weaving through people
mile 2 - 8:18 making up for the first mile
mile 3 - 8:41 trying to find my groove
mile 4 - 8:38 feeling good
mile 5 - 9:09 slowed down a bit for fuel and water
mile 6 - 8:45 back in comfortable pace
mile 7 - 8:49 feeling good
mile 8 - 8:49 holdin steady
mile 9 - 8:55 not bad, but could be better
mile 10 9:14  ohmyheck!! more fuel and water, but I didn't think I was that slow...
mile 11 8:40 trying to make up for mile 10
mile 12 9:08 paying for trying to make up for mile 10
finish 13.1 9:23 sprinted the last .25....HARD, but felt a lot better than the finish last year...
which made me think that maybe I could have pushed a little harder on those slower miles....but it is what it is. I guess the fact that I think I can do just a little bit better next time keeps me running (smile). 

By The Way....the Mr. may have beat me by 3 minutes, but he could barely walk the next day while I was getting along pretty good.....(insert evil laugh)!        .....which of course makes me think I shoulda' pushed harder, maybe I'll beat him next time (*wink)
Me and the Mr. after the race....uh yeah...It was cold! This was his first half...and in all seriousness I'm very impressed at how well he did!
Me and Sarah...we finally found each other...she beat me too darnitt!! But she rocked a PR too!
So I'm excited for her! (smile)

Great new friends!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Lemonade Anyone?

I've always kinda been one of those people that tries to make the best out of things. That's usually a good thing, I suppose. I learned early on that if I didn't roll with the punches I would never survive....maybe that's why I try to always look at the positive side of things. My dad would tell me "Katerina, challenge brings opportunity..your attitude will determine your success." Thanks dad!

He was a coach and teacher his entire life; even after he left education he coached people in life. He was always looking for the teachable moments in life, and would try to give us (me and my two brothers) challenges to engage us in learning some kind of life lesson. (smile*)

 We never actually had a lemonade stand, but I think we tried to sell just about everything else from fresh tomatoes and zucchinis to bicycles and maybe even an old refrigerator in our front yard. I'm sure these ventures taught us responsibility, or good marketing strategy or something. (*wink)
Looking "challenge" dead on in the face is not always pleasant. It can feel very lonely and frustrating. Sometimes there isn't anyone you know that has been through what you're going through. Sometimes it is difficult to get past the "potential" and actually produce a final product worth the effort..... 

 ....But when you do, the end result can be quite refreshing!! (yes, pun intended)

I don't believe myself to be a Pollyanna. I understand the reality of things. I for sure have frustrations and I get upset (often)... I'm probably a little too hard on myself, and maybe don't even see my own potential, but if I stay in that mess of a mindset, I will never reap the opportunity of the challenge. 
So when faced with an 18 page paper I make the best of it and create the best possible homework station (see above picture and notice the venti cup of iced coffee) extension cord, good coffee, and some sun (actually a little too much sun..I got a little sunburned this day. Boo! Sunscreen...Kat...Sunscreen)

flowers from my kiddos...

and five+ hours of effort and I was done! Worth the effort? Hopefully!!

In the end...whether it be a homework assignment (Ugh!), a race, a new opportunity or a fresh start at life...remember your attitude will determine your success.


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Grapes...Pom Poms...and Good Juju

Tonight's run was fantastic!!! I finished 6 relatively flat miles in 52:49...which isn't totally amazing for some, but the fact that I was able to hold a quick clip for an extended amount of miles without blowing up mid run and fizzling out at the end all while leaving the Garmin on for intersections (where I slowed down to avoid being road kill) says a lot for my improvement!!

One of my new favorite pre-run snacks....grapes. Red or green - must be seedless. Tonight when I checked my bg pre-run I was 121. Which after a crazy day, is really pretty good. But if I was going to run 3+ miles I really kinda wanted it up a little higher. My sweet spot zone tends to be in the 140-150 range for a pre-run result. Sooo I didn't eat this whole bunch but a small hand full and grabbed my cranberry apple GU Chomps for mid run. I love finding new snacks that help out with the whole bg issue and don't give me tummy issues on the running buddies do too! Ha! :)

I've been trying to grow out my hair for a while maybe since mid winter-ish. I used to only be able to get the top into a cute little samurai pony tail. Now I have enough hair to make a full pony that takes the shape of a pom pom!! (just in time for warm weather...I tend to sweat like a big hairy man). I was nominated tonight to lead our group in cheers before our runs so I guess it fits! Heehee (BIG cheesy grin!) ....and NO, I probably won't embarrass myself by actually doing a cheer (I did coach cheer for 2 years - back in the day) but I'll take it as a compliment to my sunny disposition! 

...and now for the "Good JuJu". My mind tends to wander A LOT when I run...sometimes places it shouldn't but generally speaking the peace of the open road or trail is really one of the things I loooove about running. It gives me time to myself where I can think about things ~ ponder, or just completely zone out and enjoy the pain (pshyeah right). I've met some good friends along the way, and really enjoy listening...I'm usually too busy trying to breathe to talk much myself.

Tonight I found myself thinking about "Good Juju" and "shake off the stink". Two things we used a lot this past season with my volleyball team. (we were runners up in the County Tournament-very proud of their hard work!) Good Juju is just good vibes, good attitude - don't let yourself take a hit when you get behind. Now mind you, I believe strongly that with God all things are possible, but you can't sit around and mope all day and expect JOY! Shake off the stink - same kinda thing. My girls had to overcome some big obstacles to get where they did. 

Sometimes I have to shake off the stink from a day and just get out there and run.... and find my good Juju. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

It's Good to Take a Rest Day!!

Friday, This last weekend was probably one of the best weekends I have had in quite a long while! It was my baby boy's eighth birthday!!! Woohoo Little-man! We took off a little early from work to head out of town with the kiddos plus one. (my day at work that day was super crazy!!! Mucho Stresso!!) We went to an Incredible Pizza Company to eat. This was pretty good food/fun! Then we went to see the Pacers play the Bulls at Conseco.

This was the view from our seats. They weren't as bad as it looks from the picture.

Max (our plus one), and my Zach-Zach

He had just said that this was the BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!!! That is exactly what a mom wants to hear! Of course he was ready to leave at half time, until things got interesting at the end. The game went into OT and the Pacers ended up winning. We were surrounded by Bulls fans so that made it extra fun when we won! Funniest thing about the 8 year old looks at me and says "All this Bud Light is making my stomach hurt." Let me first say that he meant the SMELL of the beer from the people around us made his stomach feel yucky! But that's my Zach, always putting a smile on my face!!
 (one birthday down and one to go)

Saturday the boys played the Wii all morning while the Mr. and I went out for our long run. I had a GREAT run!!! even on about 6 hours of sleep I ran 11 miles in 1:37 and some change!! Soooo happy about that time, because I'm training for the Indy Mini in May, and that course is mainly flat. Saturday's run had three sets of some decent size hills in it. And even if my last two miles suck I should still beat my time from last year. For now my realistic goal is 1:55 and my super-awesome goal would be 1:52...we'll see what I can do!! Still lot's of time to train~ oh! by the way....LOVE the Saucony Kinvara!! Nice and lite!!

Sunday was supposed to be an easy 2mile run, but I got out on my bike for the first time this season!!!!! The weather was just about perfect,and it felt soooooooooo good to ride! I'm a little embarrassed to say that it had been since September! Ugh!! 20 miles felt great!! But I could tell Monday that I hadn't been in the saddle for a while, if ya know what I mean ; )

Monday, I went to swimming. My legs felt like lead! I used the buoy/leg floatie thing and tried to work more on the upper body form and what not.  I did manage to tough it out for an hour, but had to take some Advil before bed. The good thing is my blood sugar was 118 before my swim and 117 after!! woohooo maybe I'm figuring the whole carb ratio needs for swimming thing out! That would definitely help in keeping with it!

Tuesday,  Hills...hills...What the Hill !!  5.6+ miles of running mostly hills. Looking at my Garmin results from this run was fun.... LOT'S of streeeeecccchhhhiiiinnnngggg before bed... It helped.

Wednesday, REST!!!   I was going to go to swim...I had prepared mentally to go swim...even shaved the legs to go swim (it isn't quite shorts season yet ~wink*) But I ended up with an unexpected break in the afternoon and kinda just carried that relaxed attitude through the rest of the day!! I went to Zachary's first baseball practice- fell asleep in the car! ha! - and then we took both kiddos to the park. Then came home and had home made smoothies! Yummy! Sometimes it's nice to just take some time to rest. My legs still feel jello-ish from the past few days anyway, and we kinda needed the "down" family time too (smile).  So back to the grind tomorrow!!!

 ...and so goes the life of kpm!!! In case you were wondering...if well.


Saturday, March 5, 2011

It May Seem Corny, But It's True..

This week has been the week from...well, as I would say as a kid "H- E - double hockey sticks"! It's been a difficult couple of weeks really. A lot going through my head, work stuff, training stuff, life know we all get there from time to time. 

As I ponder the week's goings on and reflect.. a few things stick out to me... aside from the crappiness.., there were a couple of random people that paid me compliments. Just out of the blue and unexpected. And as corny as it seems these people helped me have a little brighter day just because they said something nice. They didn't have to. It doesn't happen very often anymore in our society...everyone is so self consumed, or just too busy to notice what's going on around them. I'm guilty of that...too much time on facebook, checking my email on my blackberry, etc. or just not seeing past my own nose to notice anybody else.

It is truly amazing how much a compliment can stick and help a girl out.  I used to have a difficult time accepting compliments. When I was much younger a dear friend from way back in the day (high school-ish maybe college) told me that it was actually rude to not accept a compliment. He said that it was something he saw in me whether I saw it in myself or not and if nothing else just say thank you. hmmmm...

So you may not be as talented as Mr. Bruno Mars, or even care for his music. But if we took the time to say something nice to those people we care about (probably most important but most neglected), or coworkers, or passerbyes at the store we just might make someone else's day a little brighter. And maybe in turn even feel a little better too.

Just a thought.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The BEST Things I've Ever Eaten

So...I stepped on the scale today....and What the HECK! Um...remember a while back I wrote that post about time to shed the "winter coat"...well I've been trying with not too much success. As a matter of fact I am +6 from my weight last spring! Grrr!!

I can attribute part of this to my busy schedule over the last several weeks (too much fast food!) So I am officially saying goodbye to three cherished and loved items that have snuck back into my regular diet. DONUTS, ICE CREAM and McDONALDS...I will miss you!

The key phrase here is "regular". I have allowed convenience, and emotional state of mind to sabotage my eating habits. I don't think there is anything wrong with splurging on rare occasions, and celebrations...and even though I'm all about enjoying life..I don't think that Tuesday is enough of a good reason to stop at the donut shop on the way to work and "celebrate". (*wink)

So in all of this food thought today I came up with a TOP TEN list of some of my favorite foods:

 10 - Eggplant Parmesan. One of my mom's favorites.

 9 - Pancakes in general are delish, but Strawberry Cheesecake Pancakes are Yummy!!

8 - Greek Souvlakia. Ideally from the stand at the square in Vaigya,
but I make my own mean version as well!

7 - Square Donuts.  Amazing!!

6 - Pizza!! Mama Mia!
I have never had a pizza I didn't like. This is the famous 747 from Maurizio's Pizza

 5 - Pineapple Upsidedown Cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory
Just a piece of Heaven I tell ya!

 4 - Ahi Tuna Steak
I tried it for the first time on my trip to Boston a few years ago.

 3 - Baskin Robbins Rocky Road
My all time favorite flavor for as long as I can remember.
But kinda like pizza, not sure I've tasted a flavor of ice cream I didn't like.

2 - Chocolate Thunder from Down Under ~ Outback
It is a birthday must for me! I typically don't share food, but hard to eat this one alone.

1 - A Steak cooked to medium-rare Awesomeness!!!

How 'bout you?? What are your favorites?

...So, after all that I'm hungry again! Ha!! ~later