Monday, June 27, 2011

CAUTION: Long Post Ahead...

Goals, Aims, Objectives...
I've been reading about these three things a lot the last few weeks in relation to curriculum development and analysis. I have really tried very hard to stay ahead of the game in this class, read the material (mostly) and submit all of my homework ahead of the deadline. So far I have been able to do this. With a lot of effort, and yes some whining I am down to the last assignment. I have been able to keep up with my running through this process, but my riding time and swimming time have gone to pot! Boo!
But the light seems to be getting a little closer at the end of the tunnel....
Hopefully that doesn't mean I'm going to die! Ha!

I have had several people say to me, "You sure to have a lot going on!" and I tell them that I often feel like the Chinese acrobat trying to keep all of the dishes long as I can keep a good eye on everything hopefully they won't all come crashing down. Time to give that swimming dish a spin if I ever want to complete a triathlon this season!

Honestly, there have been a couple times in the last year or so that I thought everything was going to come crashing down. Ya know what I mean? I'm sure everyone deals with these types of feelings, right?.. I'm sure. But on the other hand I don't really think I could be that person that sits and lets life happen around them, just sitting back in the recliner and watching it all take place on the TV in front of them. I'm just not wired that way! Don't get me wrong I like to watch mindless TV as much as the next girl....(Gotta Keep Up with the Kardashians~*wink) it's not a literal point. 
I already find myself asking "What will I do when I'm not taking classes at the end of the summer?"....aside from hopefully throwing a big-o party in a new house~with a pool, hopefully! (We are trying to sell our house if anyone needs a nice beautiful three bedroom bungalow) What new adventure will I set my sights on? What are some things that have suffered because of the journey of completing my Master's. Does my marriage need refreshed? Do my kiddos need more of their mom? Do I need a dog? (the answer to this Q is an obvious YES!) ....honestly the answer to all of those questions is probably a yes.......Do I see things as really stressed right now because I'm spinning too many plates, will it get better if  I slow down, or will that make me more stressed and miserable?

BALANCE is key, I suppose....finding it is a little tricky at times.

BUT Balance, to me, doesn't mean TIME. You can spend plenty of time around or with someone and never be present, or worse have a negative influence creating discord. What good is it to be with someone if there is no joy? Your ATTITUDE affects the atmosphere around you, whether you realize it or not...I've seen it happen again and work, in the classroom, in conversations with friends, in relationships. It can even make a difference between a good run and a run that sucks! ...and medically proven to improve health and recovery as well. So I guess what I'm saying is that balance comes from within (attitude) ...that peace that passes all understanding makes all the difference. So finding it and keeping it is necessary for survival. 
Believe it,embrace it, and share it!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Always Come Prepared!

Last weekend I ran a the hardest 13.1 miles EVER! I signed up to race the Parke County Half Marathon with some friends and the Mr. This race was said to be a scenic run through the bridges with a few rolling hills. Sounds good right? Well, that's what I thought. I really did not mentally prepare myself for the challenge of the run. We even dressed up (something in the back of my head I never really thought I would do), but hey this was gonna be just for fun anyway...right?
The crew! (Alicia, Josh, Sarah Me...the Mr. took the pic-he didn't dress up)
We were a bit of a hit....even had some peeps ask us to have their pic taken with us! hehe :)

It was sooooooo hot!!!! The skirt came off around mile 5 and I switched the pig tails to a high pony somewhere between mile 7 and 8..and the shirt quickly followed. No coconut bra! That would be a major chafing no no! haha!
I ended up walking "some"....mostly the uphills, but I really kinda just couldn't get my head into the run.  I'm not really sure what to compare the experience to except maybe the "Tilt a Whirl" experience I had as a teenager. ....bunny trail warning...I let this cute guy talk me into going on the Tilt A Whirl with him. He was quite a bit larger than me and so the uneven weight just kept us going around, and around, and get the idea right....yep! I puked...and needless to say there was not a kiss at the end of the night, or a second date! Ha.....I didn't puke on the run (a bit surprised, and thankful) but it was definately NOT what I had hoped for! Going in I kinda set a lazy goal of 2:15 because I had injured my calf about a week earlier on a long run, and I knew it was supposed to get hot that day (haven't had much training in the heat yet) time on my Garmin said 2:13.03! ohmyheck! Almost 20 min longer than the half that I did two weeks prior, but the two races don't compare at all! (course, preparation, temperature, etc) So I guess I shouldn't really try and compare the times.
After a few days of pondering, I have come to peace with my time. (Thanks to Kung Fu Panda 2 - kidding- we took the kiddos to see it after the race) I learned that I need to push my self through the difficulties...some old "cut and run" thoughts had to be conquered to even finish that run, but I believe I have come out on the other side of it a stronger runner.  Sometimes I guess you have to face the pain and frustration head on and let yourself get a little messy and just push through to the end...and keep the end result in mind. In this case, that was the ice cream at the General Store! (I ended up opting for a cheeseburger instead though).

Now maybe if I can apply that to the summer class that starts up next week....
hmmmm...I think I can... I think I can... *wink
